Cynthia Allen – Skincare Entrepreneur, Community Volunteer, and Outdoor Enthusiast

Cynthia is not only a ray of sunshine to be around but such a go-getter! She’s a Rodan + Fields Consultant, a volunteer, a kick-ass mom, and a ski bunny. I had so much fun talking with her and I hope you have just as much fun reading!

1. We met through a vendor event and you have been such a great supporter of other entrepreneurs. You’re currently a consultant for Rodan + Fields. How did you get started?

Yes! I’m so thankful we met!! My fellow Floridian/Coloradan! What a serendipitous meeting!

That vendor event was so great for us business owners! I love supporting other entrepreneurs. It’s the little things that make a big impact. Whereas it is hard to buy from everyone, you don’t always have to keep buying products or items to support them. There’s many ways to show support: Like you asking me to answer these blog questions, acknowledging a social media post, referring customers, doing an event, sharing a post for them on your personal social media page, asking about how their business is going, and what you can do to help them spread the word.

I never thought of myself as an entrepreneur. But as an Occupational Therapist by trade, I thought of what are the traits I have as a healthcare professional that can help me with being the BEST Rodan + Fields Consultant I can be? I help others, I teach others how to take care of themselves, I train people to help others, I use analysis to rehab patients bodies to improve their daily lives.

Three and a half years ago I was living in Houston. I have terrible allergies and the pollen and allergens are all year round there. I saw a post on social media about a skincare line and decided to try it. It was the Soothe Regimen from Rodan + Fields.

I thought it wouldn’t hurt to try it with a 60 day money back guarantee. My skin was dry, red, and itchy from all the allergens and I was pretty desperate to find something that works. Low and behold, in 2 weeks I felt a BIG difference! My eczema and dry itchy skin improved right away; I wanted to bathe my whole body in it! I believed in the product. The same friend I bought the regimen from, presented the business opportunity to me. I literally didn’t even think twice and I have a very supportive husband who encouraged me to go for it,  so without hesitation I jumped right in! Go BIG or GO HOME! I am the type of person, that if I start something new, I jump in fully, and get started. I was also looking for an opportunity to ease me away from the physical and emotional burnout as an Occupational Therapist, and for years, I had been thinking about what to do. After having been in it for over 20 years, I needed something less demanding. I am also a full-time Mom to an energetic 6 year old and my son was 3 years old when I started as a Rodan + Fields Consultant. We had also just taken care of my ill mother-in-law at the time and we moved to Denver shortly after. With he many life changes, the business travels with me wherever I go! And now I am back in St. Petersburg, Florida in my hometown. Life is good, but it’s always changing. We’ve moved every 2.5 years and have lived in amazing cities. But the one thing that remains constant is my family and my Rodan + Fields business. I can take it anywhere with our adventures. I can’t imagine life without it.

2. What is it about this company that you really love?

What I REALLY LOVE about Rodan + Fields is that their culture and brand is about helping others. That is the CORE of who I am as a person. I am a naturally altruistic person. And with my Occupational Therapy background, helping others is what I know. This brand takes that to the next level, because this is also a business building and personal growth company. Building a business is not always easy, but they give you the tools and resources, and they have a system in place that works to make you successful to help others with their skin, as well as helping others build their own business. Rodan + Fields also has a philanthropic division called The Prescription for Change Foundation. They partner with an organization called Build On to help at risk youth in urban areas develop leadership skills and improve in school so that they can move on to college. Most of them end up being leaders in the organization and become strong mentors in their communities. I really love that. And having been on one of their mission trips recently, I saw first hand what this organization does for these kids. Eye opening and heart wrenching, and heartwarming all at the same time.  This brand has a heart of gold and they really support us consultants to achieve success all while helping others with their skin and their own business.

3. In what ways has working for R+F changed you?

That is a BIG question!! I feel like I am STILL in the PROCESS of change! It has for sure changed my outlook on how I view our 9 to 5 jobs, how I view life in general and making it more about spending time with those we love and care about. If anything, it has enhanced my view on helping others succeed and improving the life of others. It has also made me more passionate about our communities and those that are struggling daily with just their basic needs. In Denver, I volunteered in low income neighborhoods, I ran donation drives, book drives, sent items to Puerto Rico and Houston after Hurricane damage. I tutored once or twice a week in the Title 1 public schools. With Rodan + Fields core values of helping others, it has enhanced my outlook on helping those in need.

On a personal growth level, Rodan + Fields has also helped me get out of my own way! Ya know what I mean by that? Those self deprecating things in your head that say-“This is too hard.” Or “I’m not good enough at this” Or “ I don’t know if I can do this”. It becomes about being authentic to your self and being more resilient to the people that judge or say No to you for doing this. Staying true to who you are in this business is so important.

4. What advice do you have for women looking for a new skincare routine but can be put off by prices or the online-only component?

The beauty of this brand is that the products work! I’m not just saying that as a sales gimmick. The brand is legit and they pride on the results of their clients. The well-renowned dermatologists that developed this skincare line, started with Proactiv. They are still practicing dermatologists and their products are based on multi-med therapy; meaning they work with using the RIGHT INGREDIENTS, in the RIGHT FORMULATIONS, in the RIGHT ORDER. Those that are set off by the prices will find that compared to spending a BIG buck at the dermatologist, they can get results with these products with consistent use and still pay less than a dermatology procedure. I’m not knocking dermatologists here. The more serious skin concerns definitely require medical attention. However once you receive that medical care, maintaining your skin and continuing to care for the largest organ is important for your health. One 4 step regimen that costs $180 is only $2 a day for a 90 day period. That’s less than a hefty daily Starbucks habit! But the beauty of this brand is we can also customize a skincare routine for anyone’s budget and needs. If they don’t want a full regimen, we can start small and go from there. Mix and match and custom skincare is in!

I have found also that everyone’s skincare needs are different. And those that have had success with these products come back for more, because they see the results first hand and receive compliments from their friends and family. The person who has struggled with acne or skin discoloration, or dark marks from skin issues that have decreased their confidence level is what gets me. And they come to me with feedback feeling more confident than ever!! That’s why they call it Life Changing Skincare.

5. You recently went on a mission trip to Oakland, Ca through Rodan + Fields. Tell me more about what this trip entailed and your experience.

Where do I start and how long do you have?! I can’t even begin to tell you how eye opening this trip was for me. First of all, I earned this full expense paid trip through Rodan + Fields by applying for it. I applied last year and didn’t get chosen; so I worked really hard on my community service projects this past year to make it in this year. Each year R+F choses consultants from around the world to participate in a mission trip with their Build On students through the Prescription for Change Foundation. They have programs around the US in Detroit, Chicago, New York, Boston, and Oakland is their biggest one. They also have programs in Canada and Australia.

In each urban city, the Build On Organization, along side Prescription for Change, partners with a school in a low income community and WE as Consultants get to partner with a student for 3 FULL PACKED days to live their life along side them. Their were a total of 30 of us (15 Consultants and 15 students).

We see first hand what their daily lives are like in school and in their communities, and then we participate in service projects with them to serve others in need within their community. Witnessing the neighborhoods and daily struggles these teens have is heart wrenching. If you’ve ever traveled to a 3rd world country and see the homeless in boxes along the street for miles on end, that is what Oakland is like. I never knew that existed in the US. I’ve sen it in the Philippines and it’s quite eye opening to witness this here domestically.

We also see in the news the shootings, the violence in schools, and struggles that families face in their homes with domestic violence. But they are living it.

During the first day there, each student told their story and gave us a tour of their school and surrounding neighborhood. Their safety is at risk every day. Many of them experience abuse or neglect at home. So this program with Build On and Prescription for Change is a safe haven for them to become leaders in their communities and to help others in need. Even though they have their own struggles, it empowers them to help others and to connect with people and their peers that are struggling with similar challenges by doing community service projects. During the rest of my time their along side other R+F consultants, we served elementary school kids and put together a “Kindness Carnival”.

I painted faces for 3 hours straight with my student partner, Vanessa. To see these kids’ smiles and  light up when they see their painted faces as bunnies, or cats, or batman, was heart warming.

We also served the elderly in a Nursing home to provide manicures, play games, make paper flowers, and walked with them outside in the garden alongside our student partners.

Towards the end of our trip, each consultant was interviewed and filmed for a documentary about our experience in Oakland. All of us held back tears sharing our student’s stories. We had a celebration and farewell with our students. It was so hard saying good-bye. Many of us remain in touch with our students to follow their journey in the program and to send supportive and positive messages. We also had a reflection party with our fellow consultants and the organizers from Build On and Prescription for Change. We will be featured together as a group, along with our documentary in our next National Convention with Rodan + Fields this September in Nashville.

6. What an amazing opportunity. What was the biggest lesson you learned while you were there?

The biggest lesson and takeaway from this trip is that we take for granted our daily lives.

The struggles we currently face in major cities across the US are REAL and happening every single day. These students didn’t choose the life they are leading. We can’t ignore the crisis happening with our youth and we also need to teach our privileged youth! We need to spread the word and tell our peers and grown ups to step it up and be more involved in our low income communities!!

7. You are originally from Florida, as am I, and just moved back there from Denver. How has the transition been for you?

Not gunna lie….It’s been strange. Coming back to a gem of a city like St. Pete, it’s like being in a time warp! The music on the radio is the same, the landmarks are quite similar, the neighborhoods are the same, yet the downtown St. Pete area has been booming, areas that were once unsafe when I was growing up here, have now gentrified and there’s so much happening in regards to restaurants, festivals, tourism. It has become an incredible city with so much opportunity. I have childhood friends who have moved back as well and it’s such a strange feeling being back here. It was an important move though. For many reasons. My parents are in their late 70s and they have one child, me, and one grandson-our 6 year old Boy Cooper. My husband Chris lost several family members all in one year and when you have to tell a 6 year old boy that family members are passing away, you make an abrupt decision to move (again) so that we can have family and friends around more frequently. As much as I LOVED Denver, we needed to come back. We have come full circle, as Cooper will be attending the school I grew up going to. My closest friends are from my childhood here in St. Pete. The community bond is pretty cool. So it feels strange being here, but it was the right choice. In many ways reconnecting with old friends is comforting as well, after having been away for so long. It means a lot to be back.

8. What is one piece of advice that a parent or role model gave you that still resonates to this day?


It’s easy for me to be honest. I wear my emotions on my sleeve. My dad is a VERY honest man. I think as I’ve gotten older, my honesty becomes Tough Love. But I’d rather be honest than to hold a grudge or to avoid. Being honest also goes along with being true to who you are. Because if you’re not honest with yourself, how can you make any sort of genuine connection with others? This is so important in life and as an entrepreneur.

9. Finally, if you had to recommend one book on anything, what would it be?

Right now I’m reading “Girl Stop Apologizing” by Rachel Hollis. She’s an icon on lifestyle marketing and a big supporter for women entrepreneurs. She’s a motivational speaker and raises the awareness on building relationships, first with yourself and then connecting fully with your family and friends by being your authentic self. Prior to being a Rodan + Fields Consultant, I was a big proponent on self help and biographies. I love reading about other people and hearing their stories; which is why I think I love this business because I’ve learned so much about myself and others.

I learn from other people’s stories and I’ve become a much better listener.

You can learn more about Rodan + Fields on Cynthia’s link here.

You can purchase Girl, Stop Apologizing at Tattered Cover here.

Thank you Cynthia for interviewing with me today 🙂


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